The Thriving Landscape: CMS Fast-Rising Growth in the Digital Space

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Creating a website used to be a difficult and drawn-out process that involved hiring a tech guy to write some codes for you to create the website. This tech guy would then have to edit the code he had originally written when creating the website for you, and any updates you needed to make to it would require him to do so. However, the development of content management systems (CMS) has reduced the cost and burden associated with website creation.

So what exactly is this content management software? It is essentially a piece of software that lets users make and manage websites without requiring them to start from scratch or even have any coding knowledge.

With an intuitive interface, content management software (CMS) for website development enables you to generate, manage, edit, and publish material. You can alter the look and feel of your website without knowing the code by downloading or buying themes and plugins.

A Statistical Review of CMS’s Prevailing Flow.

Approximately 76% of all websites were written by hand in 2011. This percentage had dropped to about 33% by 2022. A content management system is used by more than 76 million websites nowadays. Over 900,000 of the top 1 million websites, as determined by traffic, make use of a CMS. Creating web pages and managing content is made simple by the best content management systems, often without the need for coding knowledge.

In 2018, the estimated value of the worldwide CMS market was $35,903 million. The value of the global CMS market was estimated to be $17.5 billion by 2021. By 2028, the CMS industry is expected to reach $27.3 billion. According to experts, the CMS industry is expected to develop at a compound annual growth rate of approximately 5.44% from 2023 to 2028.

With the correct content management system (CMS), you can succeed whether you’re creating a small business website, launching a blog, or managing an international e-commerce company. Considering that 68% of all websites currently use a CMS, it’s understandable why this is a billion-dollar sector of the economy that is growing steadily.

Purpose of Content Management Software.

The main purpose of CMS is to streamline content management processes and enable efficient collaboration among content creators, editors, and publishers. It allows organisations to easily update and maintain their websites, blogs, and other digital assets, ensuring that the content remains current and relevant.

Due to businesses’ continued emphasis on digital transformation and the requirement for effective content management systems, there is an increasing demand for content management software (CMS) globally.

Consumers are searching for content management systems (CMS) that are easy to use, adaptable, and capable of integrating with other software programmes. To secure their information and content, they also give top priority to security features. Cloud-based CMS solutions are also becoming more and more popular as businesses look to lower their IT infrastructure expenses and improve content accessibility.

Types of Content Management Software.

In the United States, the CMS market is dominated by large players such as Adobe, Microsoft, and Oracle. However, there is also a growing trend towards open-source CMS solutions, such as WordPress, Drupal, and many more, which offer greater flexibility and customisation options. In Europe, there is a similar trend towards open-source CMS, particularly in the United Kingdom and Germany. There are several types of CMS that have been developed to cater to different needs and requirements. Some of the popular CMS software includes:

  • WordPress: One of the most popular CMS systems is WordPress, which is renowned for its intuitive user interface and robust plugin ecosystem. It is quite adaptable and appropriate for a wide range of websites, including e-commerce sites and blogs. WordPress holds the most market share among CMS. WordPress is used by 43.1% of all websites that use a recognised content management system. In 2023, WordPress will account for 63.1% of the worldwide CMS market. There are an estimated 38,000,000 active WordPress websites.

In the US alone, there are about four million WordPress blogs and webpages. WordPress is an open-source software used by 29.13% of the top 1 million websites ranked by traffic. WordPress powers 28.41% of the top 100,000 websites and 27.79% of the top 10,000 websites. Between 2011 and 2023, the market share of WordPress content management systems increased by 7.8%, from 55.3% to 63.1%.

There is no indication that WordPress will become less of the most widely used content management system in the world anytime soon. Based on the data, there have been fewer hand-coded websites since 2011. Concurrently, the number of WordPress websites has grown annually. This shows that among new CMS users, WordPress is a popular option.

  • Drupal: Drupal is a potent open-source content management system with sophisticated capabilities and adaptability. Large-scale, intricate websites that need to be scalable and secure frequently employ it. Drupal is used by 1.2% of all websites whose CMS is known. Drupal is reportedly used by 493,669 active websites. 2.72% of the top 1 million websites, as determined by traffic, were created with Drupal. Drupal is used by 6.37% of the top 100,000 websites, as opposed to 9.44% of the top 10,000 sites. Between 2011 and 2023, Drupal’s CMS market share fell from 6.1% to 1.2%. It is a 4.9% decline over a 12-year period.

In comparison to the other content management systems on the list, Drupal has a lower overall market share, according to the CMS statistics. Despite this, a far higher proportion of popular websites still use Drupal. Drupal is a strong programme with plenty of support resources, even though it may not be the most widely used CMS platform. It is also known for being an extremely safe CMS.

  • Shopify: Shopify is a content management system made especially for e-commerce websites. It offers every tool needed to set up and run an online business, including marketing tools, payment processing, and inventory management. 5.8% of the CMS market is occupied by Shopify. Shopify saw an impressive rise in market share from 3.4% in 2020 to 5.8% in 2023. In just three years, that is a 2.4% increase. Shopify is used by an estimated 4,286,692 active websites.

Of the top one million e-commerce websites, 2.57% use Shopify. Shopify is used by 2.75% of the top 100,000 websites and by 3.81% of the top 10,000 websites. Shopify recorded $977.7 million in earnings for the fourth quarter of 2020, a 94% increase over the same time in 2019. Shopify recorded a 53% increase in subscription income in 2020 compared to the previous year. Shopify stated in the first quarter of 2023 that their overall sales had increased and were now up 25% to $1.5 billion from the previous year.

  • Wix: Wix is a drag-and-drop website builder and an easy-to-use content management system. Small companies and individuals that wish to build a polished website without any coding experience can use it. Roughly 3.6% of all websites that use a well-known CMS are Wix websites. Wix is now among the most widely used content management systems as a result. More than 8 million websites use Wix. Wix is used by more than a million websites in the US. Even with its 3.6% market share in the world for content management systems, Wix only powers 0.82% of the top 1 million websites. Wix is used by 0.7% of the top 100,000 websites and 0.85% of the top 10,000 websites.

As a SME, why should I use CMS?

You don’t need to be an expert in HTML, CSS, or other coding languages to upload, edit, and remove material from your website as a SME, thanks to CMS. It is a one-stop shop for producing and distributing content. SMEs should employ content management systems (CMS) rather than more conventional website creation methods for the following reasons:

  • Content Management Software Doesn’t Need Coding

Not only do you not need to know how to code to build a website, but neither do your content editors or contributors need to know how to code in order to contribute or amend content. For simple editing, the majority of content management systems come with a WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) toolbar.

  • Simplified Content Creation and Collaboration for Teams

Most, if not all, of the material on your website will likely be created by you in the early phases of its development. But in the long run, that is not viable. If you stick to the same plan, you won’t be able to keep up with the increased content needs as your firm grows.

It’s easy for several people to work together on a single piece of content when you have a CMS. It serves as a one-stop shop for all collaboration and content development needs. For instance, the blogger can compose the content while the graphic designer adds the visuals. After that, it can be published on the website and reviewed by the editor or content manager for brand consistency.

  • Quick Updates to Content

It should be a top priority to update your material with the most recent market trends, no matter what field you work in. In order to remain current, you should seize the chance as soon as a new product or technological advancement arises.

You can make updates to your website without waiting for your web developer or web admin to do so when you use content management software. You are able to edit your own content right away. Once you hit the Save button, all the changes will be applied to your website, and you can see the updated content published in real-time.

  • Cost-Effective and Affordable

If your website is static, it can be costly to maintain it. It might get expensive to hire a web designer or developer every time you want to make adjustments. You must take into account not just the expense but also the waiting period. Before you see the changes go live on your website, it will likely take a few days.

It is possible to save time and money by using a content management system. For small site modifications, you don’t need to hire a web developer. When you’re ready for them to be published, you can effortlessly make these adjustments yourself.

In conclusion, businesses are searching for content management systems (CMS) that will allow them to manage their advertising campaigns and content across a variety of platforms. The market is still developing in Africa, where a lot of businesses are only now beginning to invest in digital transformation. This gives content management system (CMS) vendors a chance to cater to small and medium-sized organisations’ demands by providing scalable and reasonably priced solutions.

A number of macroeconomic variables, such as the growing significance of digital transformation, the emergence of e-commerce, and the demand for effective content management systems, have contributed to the global CMS market’s expansion. The COVID-19 epidemic has also expedited the transition to digital communication and distant work, which is increasing demand for CMS solutions. The CMS industry is anticipated to expand in the upcoming years as businesses prioritise digital transformation and look to enhance their online presence.