Application Open for TechFounders B2B Accelerator Program.

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TechFounders offers a unique program to startups – during the 20-week program, you will get intensive training and coaching on all kinds of business topics.

The program seeks “late” early stage companies that have at least a working prototype from anywhere across the world.

During the program, TechFounders has four sprint phases with training sessions, mentor meetings, pitch nights, and get-togethers.

The sprints take place twice in person in Munich and twice online, each sprint lasting for 3-4 days.

The program focus on:

AI-based Learning-Support
AI-Driven Generative Solutions for Engineering and Manufacturing
Future of Work
Flexible Automated (Dis-)Assembly Processes in Chemical Plants
Smart Vision Solutions for Worksite Accident Prevention

Benefits of Participation
Access to Corporates & SMEs to demonstrate your innovation
Tailored Coaching and Mentoring to tackle your roadblocks
Free Office Space in the heart of Munich
Pitch at Start-up Demo Day where your next match is made!
How to apply
Click here to apply. The deadline for application is Monday, September 25, 2023.

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