Big Tech advertising accounts for 6% of all ad spending worldwide.

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In 2021 advertising spend by Big Tech reached $46.6bn in 2021, accounting for 6% of all ad investment globally setting the eight Big Tech platforms (Alibaba, Alphabet, Amazon, Baidu, Meta, Microsoft, Netflix and Tencent) on course to account for 10% of all worldwide ad investment by 2030.

These findings, published by Warc, the international marketing intelligence service, as part of its Warc Media suite, underlines the importance of ‘Big Tech’ to the health of the global ad economy.

Big Tech’s spend on advertising is also growing faster (+49.4%) than categories such as media and publishing (+34%), technology and electronics (+26%) and retail (+21%).
Analysis by Warc found that Big Tech contributed more than a tenth (10.4%) of all global ad spend growth in 2021.

“Big Tech businesses have come a long way from being ad investment sceptics, to ranking among the biggest-spending advertisers in the world. As their dominance of the mobile-first digital commerce marketplace increases, so too their share of total global ad spend is likely to grow,” says Alex Brownsell, Head of Content, Warc Media, and author of the report.

“It underscores that, while digitally-native brands can succeed in the short-term without the support of ad spend, long-term success often depends upon a willingness to invest in performance-enhancing and brand-building advertising,” he adds. Culled from Bizcommunity