New Horizon Empowers Great Heights Academy’s Students to Build Security Devices

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New Horizon Nigeria, the leading ICT Training provider has teamed up with the students of Great Heights Academy, Abuja to create two projects (1) Smart Home Automation (WIFI and Bluetooth connectivity) and (2) Security Alarm System with call and SMS feature.

Great Heights Academy Abuja and New Horizons
Students of Great Heights Academy during the project

The school launched its first Smart Home Automation devices and a Security Alarm System. The launching/commissioning was done during the last PTA meeting held in May 2022.

Before the commencement of the meeting, Hajia Rabi Namtari, the Director/Owner of Great Heights Academy, had urged parents and teachers to go witness the presentation and commissioning of the projects embarked upon by the students with 100% support from the IT consultant – New Horizons.

At the beginning of the academic session, New Horizons introduced some trending courses to the institution amongst which are 3D Technology, Robotics, Automation, etc.

Some students in SS2 and SS3 were selected and saddled with the responsibilities to identify a gap/need and use the trending IT technologies to solve the problem or bridge the cap.Great Heights Academy Abuja and New Horizons

Students of Great Heights Academy with management and staff of New Horizons at the project launch.

The students identified and came up with two projects (1) Smart Home Automation (WIFI and Bluetooth connectivity) and (2) Security Alarm System with call and SMS feature.

During the inspection by the parents and teachers, the students took time to explain the technologies behind the projects.

On the Smart Home Automation (Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity), the students explained that the motive behind this project is to control all gadgets connected to a power source at home/office using the mobile phone as a power control.

The Wi-Fi version can be controlled anywhere in the world provided there is internet connectivity, while the Bluetooth version can only be controlled within the range of a 100-meters

Some parents tried to verify the students’ claim by testing the device. All the lights in the hall were turned off from the wall but the volunteered parent used his phone to turn on all the lights as claimed by the students. The advantage of this device is incase you forgot to turn on/off your gadgets, even after you have left your home/office, you can still turn them on/off without necessarily being physically there.

On the Security Alarm System with call and SMS feature: Given the high level of insecurity in Nigeria as at date, the girls designed a device to secure the principal’s office and alert her in the instance of a security breech or unpermitted access by triggering the alarm system and notifying her via text message or call regardless of her current location.

Again, a parent was asked to try to gain entry into the Director’s office without permission, suddenly, there was an alarm and the Director instantly received an SMS alert and a picture of the intruder on her mobile device.

The parents were visibly amazed and gave accolades to the school and more importantly, to the IT company New Horizons for training the students on the 4th Industrial Revolution otherwise known as 4IR.

The 4IR is a fusion of advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), Genetic Engineering, Quantum Computing, and lots more.

Hajia Rabi Namtari, the Director of Great Heights Academy, in her speech, applauded the girls for making the school proud once again.

She did not mince words in appreciating the IT consultants- New Horizons for their unparalleled support since the partnership was birthed several years ago.

You may wish to recall that Great Height Academy launched a world class, State-of-the-Arts Robotics and Virtual Reality Laboratory in the year 2021 with New Horizons giving technical support.

The PTA Chairman, Alhaji …. was visibly impressed and he applauded the girls for making both the school and their parents proud.

He said the days are gone when only men could do certain things, but now, the women are coming up and matching the men shoulder to shoulder in Technology, Engineering, Sciences, etc.

He also appreciated New Horizons for the technical support that the school has enjoyed over the years from the IT giant.

It is worth noting that all the components used for these projects were modelled and printed by the students in the school’s new Robotics and Virtual Reality Lab and the Apps used were also developed by them.

This means that the students have, over the years been exposed to a myriad of ICT skills (coding/programming, 3D modelling and Printing, App development) which has helped in improving their problem-solving capacity and ability to work in teams.

During the project lunch, Mr. Dave Abolagba, the General Manager of New Horizons Systems Solutions Northern region, expressed his profound gratitude to the director and management of the school and also encouraged all parents to keep supporting their wards in-order to bridge the gap in technology between Nigeria and other advanced countries.

Parents were amazed at the accomplishments of their wards and expressed their satisfaction and gratitude to New Horizons Systems Solutions for keeping their wards abreast with the evolution of technology. The parents also acknowledged that these skills would create opportunities for the girls to become great entrepreneurs in the nearest future.

Finally, some parents showed interest in the devices that were launched and made further inquiries from the students on how to install them in their homes and the girls confidently told their parents to contact them at their time of convenience as this would cost them a few thousands of naira.

New Horizons is a frontline global IT company with presence in over 80 countries of the world. The company has been in operation for 35 years in the global space and 15 years in Nigeria. New Horizons is consistently ranked as the worlds no. 1 IT training organization in the world.